This past weekend, I had the opportunity to go to Bite of Seattle at the City Center. The weather was gorgeous, which means that everyone in Seattle (and their dogs, of course!), trekked into the city to get a bite at the festival. There were vendors for ages, bands playing live music, and children splashing in the fountain. 

Wandering among the booths, there was never a smooth traffic flow. It was similar to the stop-and-go perils of 5:00 traffic in Seattle. I had to weave throughout people and avoid strollers while still taking in the exciting sights and smells of a festival.

In the world of volunteerism, you can have many opportunities thrown at you at once- my best example is during the holiday months of November and December. However, during the summer months, we enjoy relaxing and vacation, and service can sometimes slip our minds.

In my traffic analogy, I think of Seattle Works as the traffic light for volunteers in Seattle. We work to make sure that young professionals can always have the opportunity to give back. Even throughout the summer months, we offer programming for those who want to volunteer in a one-time commitment and separate programs for those who want to sample different organizations over a four-month period.

This may be a stretch, but In addition to acting as a traffic light, Seattle Works is the radio playing in your car as you travel throughout the city. Volunteering should always be a good time, and I hope that everyone who gives back thoroughly enjoys the experience.

Coralie Watts
Duke Student '16

7/23/2013 04:52:29 am

As a volunteer at Bite of Seattle this weekend, it is fun!

7/28/2013 04:25:32 pm

You mention a program for sampling different organizations over a 4 month period. Out of curiosity, what organizations do you guys partner with?


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